Hi, I'm Francine Kaye,

the UK's Leading Relationship Coach

I help people make relationships work...

.....together or apart.

Speak to me on 07931338653


Registered Office

Ground Floor

501 Centennial Park

Centennial Avenue






Person Centred Counsellor

CTI Life Coach

Imago Clinical Therapist

Imago Facilitator

ADR Family Mediator

ADR Family Facilitator

Parent Effectiveness Traine

Mend Your Marriage

How does it feel when you remember being happy with your spouse? Can you imagine what it would be like to feel that happy again?

You may be surprised to learn that three simple strategies would solve your relationship problems and rebuild your relationship.

The Mend Your Marriage Programme gives you the skills you want to:

• Recreate mutual understanding

• Enjoy respectful communication

• Meet each other’s needs …. and

• Experience trust, reconnection and renewed love.

Even the best relationships’ experience big challenges at some stage. Things go wrong, stuff happens and life has to be navigated. The route to lasting love has to be adjusted along the way. That’s normal for all couples in relationship.

But what do you do when the unexpected happens? When you miss the cues and clues of unhappiness and things go terribly wrong? What do you do when your marriage goes into meltdown?

There are three areas to address:

• The Presenting Problems

• The Underlying Problems

• The Hidden Problems

Mostly couples concentrate on solving the Presenting Problems and possibly the Underlying Problems. But they cannot address the Hidden Problems because they don’t know what they are.

The Mend Your Marriage Programme works from a strong foundation of understanding how the hidden problems hold all the answers.

Here’s How it Works

The Mend Your Marriage programme will give you the skills to break the cycle of upset so you can re-choose your relationship based on more knowledge and understanding of your self and your spouse.

Mend Your Marriage For Couples

• 1 x 60 minute Initial Assessment Call where you get to talk about your personal circumstances, desires for your relationship and any challenges you face. This prepares us for our first Individual Session.

• 1 x 2 hour Individual Session, per person, plus homework

• 1 x 60 Minute Individual Follow-up Session per person in preparation for joint sessions

• 4 x 2 hour facilitated Couples Sessions. You’ll learn how to use a specific Dialogue Process to create mutual understanding and respectful communication. In the days and weeks ahead, you’ll learn how to grow your relationship and rebuild your unbreakable bond.

The Mend Your Marriage Programme On My Own

Did you know that it only takes one person to make a change that can benefit the whole dynamic of a relationship?

If your spouse is not ready or willing to take part in the programme, it is still hugely beneficial to take the programme alone. Understanding yourself, first and foremost, is the foundation of Intimacy. It’s virtually impossible to understand your partner until you can understand yourself.

Taken Individually, The Mend My Marriage Programme Looks Like This

• 1 x 60 minute Initial Assessment Call where you get to talk about your personal circumstances, desires for your relationship and any challenges you face. This prepares us for our first Individual Session.

• 1 x 2 hour Individual Session, per person, plus homework. This session focuses on you. You’ll learn how the Hidden Problems have been the major cause of conflict and upset in your relationship

• 4 x 2 hour Individual Sessions. You’ll learn how to use a specific dialogue process to create mutual understanding and respectful communication with your spouse. You’ll uncover the hidden problems that you and your spouse face, and in the days and weeks ahead, your new approach will make an immediate difference to your relationship.

Ultimately, both of you need the same intention to rebuild your relationship. However the difference you will make individually and what you will learn about yourself, will allow you to move forward with your life whether you stay together or live apart.

So if you are ready to do what it takes to make your relationship work, either as a couple or individually, go ahead and contact me by

email: [email protected]

From my heart to yours

Francine x

Francine Kay Line Accent

Registered Office

Ground Floor

501 Centennial Park

Centennial Avenue







Person Centred Counsellor

CTI Life Coach

Imago Clinical Therapist

Imago Facilitator

ADR Family Mediator

ADR Family Facilitator

Parent Effectiveness Traine